Tuesday, November 06, 2007

cough, cough, sniff, sniff...

So, I guess a cold will make you realize you need to post -- never mind that lots of thangs have been goin' on -- but this stinking cold has me laid back and pitiful and sorry for myself (it is after all, the SECOND stinking one I have had in the last 3 months, #!&*()*!!!, thank you very much!)

But, anyway -- was it just weekend before last that I was in the glorious mountains of NC, enjoying the colors and spending wAAAy too much money at SAFF? Yes, yes it was just weekend before last that I was doing that very thing. Let's see, it would appear (please say with soft southern drawl- you know -- "aah peer") that I will be knitting some sportweight knitwear in the coming months, seeing as how I now have over 3000 yards of it. And some silk and cashmere fingering weight (aren't they pretty much the same -- you would think that someone who works (albeit just part time) in a yarn store would know these things, wouldn't you?)

I also came home with the most wonderful alpaca cardigan -- I know, I know, buying already knit items is cheating, but it looks FAB-U-LOUS on me, and let me tell you, as a big girl, things that make us big girls look good, are never cheating!

Let's see -- what else is on the needles and active? Nat's Kenobi Jacket, the MS5, face cloths for Christmas gifts, and the newest, an aran weight cardi for ME -- in Rowan's Natural Silk Aran -- I am using the Knitty pattern Bristow with a little modification possible - more later. Those are the projects I am focusing on for now. (But, that can change at a moments notice -- baraahhaahhaaa)

ahh, I feel better already.

p.s. have a grammar question 0r conundrum -- is the word "crew" singular or plural -- you know, as in "The space shuttle crew have/has several tasks remaining." I maintain that it is singular -- since you can make it plural: "crews". No one else seems as upset by this as I am. Hmm.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Finished! Yeeh ha! A FO! that actually fits! Carol's Clever Little Shawl pattern -- in mahogany Malabrigo -- luscious, luscious, luscious!

Friday, August 24, 2007

a brief flurry of activity

Well, it was sort, weed and categorize time today -- the WIP's that I relegated to the UFO bucket, the AFI's (almost finished items -- you know, they only need to be blocked and seamed -- ba harr harharhar) culled and separated to their own knitting bag -- and then I have the current 5 (I think) projects in two separate bags -- and one other bag with the next- in-line projects. New yarn was put into the proper container (sock yarn, bulky yarn and other weight); yarn that had somehow managed to escape its container, but yet wasn't needed for any current or impending project were likewise returned as well.

Loose patterns were placed into sleeves and put in the book (alas, the book is no longer organized -- but hey -- at least there is a book w/page sleeves and there are patterns in it -- that's a biggie!)

Not a huge undertaking, but it felt good.

happy sigh.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Back from Augusta, GA, where we visited family and sweltered -- I honestly do not know how I managed to live there for nearly 10 years! It was good to see my brother -- I really do miss him -- but there were a couple of incidents that got my goad up. But I am trying to be a "better person" and tried not let them get me into a foul mood.

I did get a lot of knitting done -- I managed to knit nearly the entire back of the "Singles and Doubles" tank from last years Knitters. I am using Top Soft in a rosy, dusky purple color.

(I don't want to hear it -- I know it is yet another project, and that there are several UFO's that I should be working on -- but didn't you hear? Not only did I manage to nearly finish the back in only 2 1/2 days, but as of right this second, the back is finished and I am about to start the front. That counts for something, right?)

Tomorrow is the 4th of July -- we really don't have any plans, and I'm kinda liking that -- may take in a movie, do some more knitting (you never know, I may actually complete this project -- have to wait and see about that cowl-type neck).

I'm a process knitter -- that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well, the laundry room is finished (mostly), all the tools are back in the garage (mostly), just like the other home diy stuff last year is complete (mostly) and I am (mostly) caught back up on my housework.

As far as my knitting UFO's -- well, I am (mostly) finished with the chevron shell, the wrap cardigan was (mostly) finished and I discovered it was WAYYYY too big, so I decided to reknit the back in a smaller size, and I have (mostly) ripped it out, Joshua's sweater is al(most) finished, and I have (mostly) been knitting on the Clapotis more than anything else.

Well, I have a grocery list that is (mostly) done.

...hmmm. I wonder if there is a pattern here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm so sore &....

oow, uuugh, I am soooo out of shape...we have been laying tile all weekend and I am absolutely poooopped!

Naturally, very little knitting done.


at least the laundry room will look decent now.

Friday, May 18, 2007

One of the crowd

Well, I've always known that I was a bit slow, but....I had no idea......


I am waaaay behind the craze, but I cast on for Clapotis today using Briar Rose "Wistful" in the raspberry/green/blue/gold colorway (I got two different colorways and am alternating the skeins -- there are 500 yards on each, so I hope to make mine a little larger, since I am a little larger.....sigh)

I will post pics as soon as I can get the camera from the teenager....

One note about the Mother's day banquet at church -- after lugging my china, crystal, depression glass pieces, arranging flowers, I had a beautiful table. For me and Natalie. A table for eight -- and just the two of us. We both said it would have been more fun to do it at home. Frustrating you say? I'll say.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Back from Katrina ravaged land

I returned Wednesday from Gulfport, Mississippi, where I was part of the church's mission team. We spent five days working, helping homeowners make repairs to their Katrina damaged homes. It was amazing how much work is still needed even after 2 years.

I took knitting with me, but really didn't have much time to work on it. I have started the Charlotte's web shawl, and the Koigu is simply amazing to knit with -- the colors are simply fab-u-lous!

Boo missed me while I was gone (the dd and dh did as well) -- it was really sweet! Here's the pic I got while down there.

Tomorrow is the Mother's day banquet/luncheon at the church -- with fancy table settings and all. Should be nice.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A terrible affliction has come over me.

there simply must be a cure for it...

so many have suffered from it...

many never recover....

I am suffering from a terribly severe case of it and I am......


very, very afraid.......

castonitis. shudder.

three in one week......and another lurking, calling,

arrrrgghhh...aahhhh! HELP!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Life as a yarn addict

Saturday...a day for...what? Cleaning? Watching bad TV? Napping? Knitting? All of the above, perhaps? Who knows?

Well, most likely a trip to my LYS (where I work part-time, but haven't been in all week due to the aforementioned unpleasant ob procedure) for yet another set of needles. I swear, if I ever counted all the needles I have purchased, it would be embarrassing. I haven't yet bought a set of Denise or Knit Picks Options, because I would just be like a couple of the other gals at the shop -- they have two sets of empty Denise needles.


The life of a yarn addict.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


just a few pics of WPI's....
Chevron Shell (w/Boo)
Chevron Shell (with Bella Boo)

Chevron Shell in progress
Chevron shell progress

Dragon Fin pattern
Close-up of pattern on Dragon Fin vest

Dragon Fin Vest
Dragon Fin vest progress

My life is the weather

Well, I guess it simply must be admitted -- I decide how I feel to a fair degree based on what the weather is like -- if it is sunny and nice, I generally feel pretty good; if it is grey and dreary -- I feel like crap. Today is sunny -- a little cool and quite breezy, and even though I am still having some not so light cramps, I think I feel pretty good. I wonder sometimes if people who live in big cities are so afflicted by natures caprices?

Haven't picked up the pointy sticks as yet, but I have been reading the new issue of Knitters; did the crossword (well, some of it anyway); and played a few games of Freecell. I really want to go and mess around down at the Southside, but I just don't know if I am up to that, especially since I will be taking Mother shopping tomorrow. I'll give it another 1/2 hour or so and then decide.....


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Instant gratification!

While I am a through and through believer that if you knit you should knit with the best yarn you can afford (I do work at the LYS, you know), I did not start out that way. Once upon a time I bought (shudder) acrylic yarn from the local Hobby Lobby. Well, there was a ball of boucle and a ball of ribbon yarn in the same color families (bright, springy colors) and I thought, what the hey -- and I cast on 30 stitches and knit up the cutest little shawlette in one afternoon! Woo hoo! A complete knitted garment in one afternoon -- it don't get any better than that!

I would have worked on my other wpi's except that I had a LEEP done on Monday, and I think I overdid it yesterday, because today I have been cramping something terrible -- so much so that I broke into the horded prescription pain pills that I like to have on hand for such occasions -- and while they worked wonders on the pain, they do make me, ah, well, stupid. No pattern stitches for me -- simple garter was the best I could hope for.

I really hope the LEEP took care of all the dsyplasia -- and if it didn't, I'm ready to simply have the hysterectomy -- no more chillen for me! I'll wait on more grandbabies -- and while I dearly dearly love the one I have, I'm happy to wait a while on more -- although knitted baby things are sooo adorable!

Well, it's Lost night -- and tomorrow is Grey's. Life is good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring has sprung?

Well, we just survived an Easter that began with a 27 degree morning -- and a high of, oh, all of 45! And today the high was nearly 70 -- only two days and a 25 degree difference!!! My azaelas were ruined, and my Japanese threadleaf maple got zapped as well. I hope the strawberries make it -- I was sooo looking forward to having fresh strawberries!

As for what's on the needles (and finished items):

Almost completed the cover wrap sweater from Spring 2007 Interweave Knits
RuffledSurplicetop I used Rowan Summer Tweed, color
Cape, color 511 . It turned out beautiful, except for the fact that I made it too big for me -- but it should fit my daughter if she will just but wear it! It is not a pattern for the newbie -- there is a LOT going on with this pattern -- side shaping at the same time as front edge/neck shaping -- and all the while you're supposed to keep the pattern (which, btw, the pattern DOES NOT tell you how). But a fun knit nonetheless.

Also on the needles -- a chevron pattern shell from the June 2007 (arent they just a wee bit ahead?) Knit-n-Style Chevrontop. I'm using "Tropicana" in pinks and greens -- it is coming along well!

Also, I'm attempting to design my very first garment -- a vest that I am knitting out of Mountain Colors -- with the dragon fin pattern from BW 2nd Treasury -- with a small cable twist on the front edges -- we'll see how the neck and armhole shaping goes before making any judgment.

Also started this week a simple cotton top, knit in the round up the armhole, using K1C2 "TyDye" gorgeous stuff!!

Well, that's it for today!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New year, new blahda, blahda, blah....

New year, new starts, resolutions and all that, right? Well, I guess -- it's really not doing it for me -- seems like more of the same old, same old to me. Sorry to be such a gloomy guss, but that's the way I've been feeling for a while now -- I became extremely anemic right before Thanksgiving and haven't really recovered since. Christmas was nice and I enjoyed it, but there was a definite lackluster in my step and attitude. I'm hoping that a medical procedure that the doctor is supposed to be scheduling for me will take care of a lot of it, but honestly, I don't know...

Maybe it's just the season of blahs.
