While I am a through and through believer that if you knit you should knit with the best yarn you can afford (I do work at the LYS, you know), I did not start out that way. Once upon a time I bought (shudder) acrylic yarn from the local Hobby Lobby. Well, there was a ball of boucle and a ball of ribbon yarn in the same color families (bright, springy colors) and I thought, what the hey -- and I cast on 30 stitches and knit up the cutest little shawlette in one afternoon! Woo hoo! A complete knitted garment in one afternoon -- it don't get any better than that!
I would have worked on my other wpi's except that I had a LEEP done on Monday, and I think I overdid it yesterday, because today I have been cramping something terrible -- so much so that I broke into the horded prescription pain pills that I like to have on hand for such occasions -- and while they worked wonders on the pain, they do make me, ah, well, stupid. No pattern stitches for me -- simple garter was the best I could hope for.
I really hope the LEEP took care of all the dsyplasia -- and if it didn't, I'm ready to simply have the hysterectomy -- no more chillen for me! I'll wait on more grandbabies -- and while I dearly dearly love the one I have, I'm happy to wait a while on more -- although knitted baby things are sooo adorable!
Well, it's Lost night -- and tomorrow is Grey's. Life is good.