a brief flurry of activity
Well, it was sort, weed and categorize time today -- the WIP's that I relegated to the UFO bucket, the AFI's (almost finished items -- you know, they only need to be blocked and seamed -- ba harr harharhar) culled and separated to their own knitting bag -- and then I have the current 5 (I think) projects in two separate bags -- and one other bag with the next- in-line projects. New yarn was put into the proper container (sock yarn, bulky yarn and other weight); yarn that had somehow managed to escape its container, but yet wasn't needed for any current or impending project were likewise returned as well.
Loose patterns were placed into sleeves and put in the book (alas, the book is no longer organized -- but hey -- at least there is a book w/page sleeves and there are patterns in it -- that's a biggie!)
Not a huge undertaking, but it felt good.
happy sigh.