Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
tricky proposition
Well, it's been over a week since I last posted; I'm not being as consistent with the posting as I had hoped I would/could be, but, oh well! It wasn't a particularly busy week, but it just seemed like I was never still long enough to post. I suppose I will need to get into the "habit" -- you know, develop a mind set that makes posting almost second nature.
I did get a microphone/headset so that I can record audio -- I've briefly considered the podcasting thing, but not too seriously yet. But I certainly do want to leave some audio comments on some of my favorite podcasts -- and I have an idea for an essay for the "Cast-on" podcast that I'm working on (which I would submit in audio format).
Didn't get as much knitting done this week as I would have liked; I'm working on a couple of chemo caps for a friend of mine (well, I'm actually working on just one at the moment -- the plan is to knit her two). I began the decrease too soon, so I had to frog it back about 3 inches -- blah!
My nephew's birthday was this week -- he was one year old! He is too cute for words!
I had knit him a sweater that was supposed to be for Christmas, but he's growing so fast, I went ahead and gave it to him for his birthday -- so he'll get to wear it as least a few times! Knitting for growing babies is a tricky proposition at best!
Well, the evening waxes late -- until next time.
Posted by
8:30 PM
Saturday, September 02, 2006
That annoying teenager ;]
My mother has no idea im updating her blog but i am :] hehe, sneaky little teenager I am. I just wanted to drop by and say hello to my most favortiest(she's really taught me well on spelling huh?) mommy ever :]. Have a lovely day & keep smiling<3
the teenager!&*
Posted by
6:27 PM
comments the most loving way possible
Howdy! It has been a good week (well, up until now when the most annoying teenage daughter decided to be, well, persnickety and annoying and even though she means it in "the most loving way possible"....)
It has been a very good week. I was productive, both at home and at work and at church! I finally got my Advent team stuff finished -- not only that, but I actually did the follow up stuff the very next day! (that, like, never happens!)
I finished the first of my Lorna's laces sock -- I am doing one of the patterns from Socks Socks Socks: 70 Winning Patterns From Knitter's Magazine Sock Contest - I don't remember right off hand which one, it's one of the lace patterns. I'm also almost finished with the "Singles & Pairs" from the Spring Knitters.
I also cast-on the sweater that I wanted to knit for my mother for Christmas -- it's a Plymouth Yarn pattern with a curvey lace rib at the bottom that I really liked -- well, I hate it now! I cast-on (116 stitches) and worked about 5 rows -- it was off - badly. So I frogged it and started over. Same thing. Frogged it again. Started yet again. Same thing. I ripped that freaking thing 5 times before I released that there was an error in the 3 row of the four row repeat. ARGHHH!
So, I figured out how make it work -- and I still couldn't get the &%#@ thing to work! So, I frogged (yet AGAIN) and went to my Barbara Walker treasury and found a pattern that was fairly similar and used it. It works. But now I don't even want work on it!
So, I did what any self-respecting knitter does -- I cast on something else. A sweater for my nephew -- and it's going GREAT!
And today? Today I have done enough housework to make a difference, really done laundry (including the folding and putting away), been to the grocery store, fixed lunch for the church luncheon tomorrow (including one of Paula Deens "Gooey Butter Cakes") and gotten dinner started for tonight! Woo hoo!
So, now I can knit with a completely clear conscious.
Oh, and that annoying daughter? She's really the sweetest thing ever!
Posted by
4:01 PM