Sunday, September 10, 2006

tricky proposition

Well, it's been over a week since I last posted; I'm not being as consistent with the posting as I had hoped I would/could be, but, oh well! It wasn't a particularly busy week, but it just seemed like I was never still long enough to post. I suppose I will need to get into the "habit" -- you know, develop a mind set that makes posting almost second nature.

I did get a microphone/headset so that I can record audio -- I've briefly considered the podcasting thing, but not too seriously yet. But I certainly do want to leave some audio comments on some of my favorite podcasts -- and I have an idea for an essay for the "Cast-on" podcast that I'm working on (which I would submit in audio format).

Didn't get as much knitting done this week as I would have liked; I'm working on a couple of chemo caps for a friend of mine (well, I'm actually working on just one at the moment -- the plan is to knit her two). I began the decrease too soon, so I had to frog it back about 3 inches -- blah!

My nephew's birthday was this week -- he was one year old! He is too cute for words!

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I had knit him a sweater that was supposed to be for Christmas, but he's growing so fast, I went ahead and gave it to him for his birthday -- so he'll get to wear it as least a few times! Knitting for growing babies is a tricky proposition at best!

Well, the evening waxes late -- until next time.

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