Thursday, April 12, 2007

My life is the weather

Well, I guess it simply must be admitted -- I decide how I feel to a fair degree based on what the weather is like -- if it is sunny and nice, I generally feel pretty good; if it is grey and dreary -- I feel like crap. Today is sunny -- a little cool and quite breezy, and even though I am still having some not so light cramps, I think I feel pretty good. I wonder sometimes if people who live in big cities are so afflicted by natures caprices?

Haven't picked up the pointy sticks as yet, but I have been reading the new issue of Knitters; did the crossword (well, some of it anyway); and played a few games of Freecell. I really want to go and mess around down at the Southside, but I just don't know if I am up to that, especially since I will be taking Mother shopping tomorrow. I'll give it another 1/2 hour or so and then decide.....


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